What text would you like to read?

These are the texts:

Don't click with left button! Choose "save as" (guardar como...) with right button.

- The Fall of the House of Usher (simplified version)
- 3 first chapters of "The Godfather"
- The Visit
- The Picture
- Scotland

Take quick look at the ones you find interesting and choose one in the poll below.

Here's the poll
(I changed it, because the other service is down)

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Thanks for your vote!

Your teacher

Relative Clauses Handout

Relative Clauses Handout.ppt

readings for Thursday 27th - Poe

Dear all:

I hope you can all seize this free time that we had, and we had relaxing as well as fruitful times. So I am leaving these two readings called "The tell-tale heart" and "The Masque of the Red Death." They are all in their original versions, for you to see how wonderfully Poe wrote.

I am leaving you the links of the website (with black background, to help your eyes) where I got them, and the printer-friendly versions.

Questions dat: Thursday, May 27th

The Tell-Tale Heart

Download Link: http://db.tt/pTu5hY

The Masque of the Red Death

Download Link: http://db.tt/DKGY6J

(If you want to read from the PC and the letters are too small, press "CTRL +" to make text larger.)

Best regards,

J Chamorro A.

Comma Splice exercises

Dear all,

Here you have the homework for next Thursday's class:

Exercise one (parallel B)

Exercise two (parallel A, parallel B for Friday)

Don't forget to take the copies at Cigeno copy centre (I think they've changed their name)



Weekly Reading for Thursday 6th of May

Dear All,

Click to download.

Thanks and good luck!